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Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Cristina López-Chertudi is a highly qualified consultant clinical and ... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Семейная терапия
- Психические расстройства
- Тревожное состояние
- Хроническая боль
- Синдром хронической усталости
- Низкая самооценка
- Семейная терапия
- Психические расстройства
- Тревожное состояние
- Хроническая боль
- Синдром хронической усталости
- Низкая самооценка
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Cristina López-Chertudi is a highly qualified consultant clinical and health psychologist and systemic family psychotherapist with extensive international experienc... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 35 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Clinical and Health Psychologist, Self-employed (1998-present)NHS Consultant Clinical... подробнее
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Dr Cristina López-Chertudi
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Dr Cristina López-Chertudi
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Dr Cristina López-Chertudi
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Cristina López-Chertudi is a highly qualified consultant clinical and health psychologist and systemic family psychotherapist with extensive international experience. She sees patients via e-consultations. She specialises in a wide range of areas including family and couple therapy, mental disorders, anxiety, depression, work-related stress, adaptation to chronic illnesses, self-esteem, unresolved trauma and unresolved grief. She helps people adjust to living with chronic physical illnesses.
She obtained her psychology BSc Honours Degree in Bilbao, Spain, 1992, a pre-doctoral internship/MSc in Organisational Psychology and Hospital Administration, approved by the American Psychological Association (Maryland, USA, 1993), a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology (Surrey, UK, 2004), and a Master’s Degree (MSc) in Systemic Family Psychotherapy (Exeter, UK, 2008). Furthermore, she has completed the foundation and professional training in Systemic Family Constellations (London, UK, 2011).
With nearly 30 years of experience in the UK National Health Service, Dr López-Chertudi has also worked in private practice, specialising in trauma psychology and providing expert witness assistance for legal cases. She has a diverse clinical background, having worked with adults, adolescents, couples, families, and groups. She works people with complex emotional and mental health needs and physical illnesses such as HIV-AIDS, chronic pain, ME-CFS, obesity, cancer and post-Covid syndrome.
Dr. López-Chertudi is known for her empathetic and collaborative approach to therapy, grounded in ethical principles and anti-discriminatory practices. She offers a range of therapeutic interventions, including cognitive-behavioural therapy, family/systems therapy, narrative therapy, compassion-focused, acceptance and commitment, and eye movement desensitisation reprocessing.
In addition to her clinical work, Dr López-Chertudi has held leadership positions in clinical health psychology services, providing strategic planning and professional leadership. She also provides clinical supervision for allied health professionals and trainees and has been involved in teaching and research activities, focusing on topics such as coping skills in chronic pain and the efficacy of group interventions.
She is committed to professional development and has been an active member of various professional organisations, including the British Psychological Society, British Association of Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapies and the Association for Family Therapy.
HCPC: PYL17022
07941416245 and [email protected] for patient bookings.
Please note that in case of non-attendance full fee will be charged, cancellations of less than 24 hours will be charged at 50%. Two consecutive cancellations will result in discharge.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей:
- Испанский
- Английский
Dr Cristina López-Chertudi
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Alexandra Kent is a consultant gastroenterologist in London specialising in Crohn's... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Болезнь Крона
- Затрудненное пищеварение (диспепсия)
- дисфагия
- Воспалительное заболевание кишечника (IBD)
- Синдром раздраженного кишечника
- Язвенный колит
- Болезнь Крона
- Затрудненное пищеварение (диспепсия)
- дисфагия
- Воспалительное заболевание кишечника (IBD)
- Синдром раздраженного кишечника
- Язвенный колит
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Alexandra Kent is a consultant gastroenterologist in London specialising in Crohn's disease, indigestion (dyspepsia) and dysphagia, a... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 25 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant gastroenterologist, Cleveland Clinic London HospitalConsultant gastroenterologist, Ki... подробнее
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Dr Alexandra Kent
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Dr Alexandra Kent
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Dr Alexandra Kent
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Alexandra Kent is a consultant gastroenterologist in London specialising in Crohn's disease, indigestion (dyspepsia) and dysphagia, as well as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and ulcerative colitis. She sees patients privately at Cleveland Clinic London Hospital and holds an NHS consultant post at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr Kent completed her medical degree at the University of Liverpool in 1999 and undertook specialist training in gastroenterology in North-West London. During her training, she spent five years conducting research into inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) at the John Radcliffe Hospital and the University of Oxford, resulting in publications in several peer-reviewed journals. She is highly experienced in the management of a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions, including coeliac disease, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. She is also skilled in endoscopic procedures such as gastroscopy and colonoscopy.
In addition to her clinical work, Dr Kent is deeply involved in medical education, serving as the Gastroenterology Training Programme Director for South Thames. She is the Chair of the London IBD Forum and a member of the IBD Committee for the British Society of Gastroenterology, reflecting her leadership in the field of IBD.
Her professional memberships include the Royal College of Physicians, the British Society of Gastroenterology, the European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation, and the American Gastroenterology Association.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4637536
- Английский
Dr Alexandra Kent
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Girish Girish is a leading consultant vascular and general surgeon based in Bushey. He ... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Хирургия при варикозе
- Периферическая артериопатия
- Тромбоз глубоких вен
- грыжа
- Желчные камни
- Лечение варикозного расширения вен посредством лазерной хирургии
- Хирургия при варикозе
- Периферическая артериопатия
- Тромбоз глубоких вен
- грыжа
- Желчные камни
- Лечение варикозного расширения вен посредством лазерной хирургии
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Girish Girish is a leading consultant vascular and general surgeon based in Bushey. He specialises in varicose veins surgery, endovenous подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 35 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant general and vascular surgeon, Spire Bushey HospitalConsultant general and vascular su... подробнее
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Mr Girish Girish
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Mr Girish Girish
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Mr Girish Girish
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Girish Girish is a leading consultant vascular and general surgeon based in Bushey. He specialises in varicose veins surgery, endovenous laser treatment (EVLA) and peripheral arterial disease alongside deep vein thrombosis, hernia, gallstones and diabetic foot.
Mr Girish, who has an MB BS and FRCS (Ed), is a highly respected clinician with vast experience in vascular and general surgery. He routinely performs various procedures, including keyhole and open procedures for various arterial aneurysms, bypasses and balloon angioplasties for blocked arteries.
He also does open litigation/stripping and endovenous (laser/radiofrequency) ablation of varicose veins, endarterectomy for carotid and femoral artery disease and insertion of catheters for chemotherapy. He also has a special interest in management of diabetic foot condition, and undertakes general paediatric procedures including inguinal/umbilical/epigastric hernias, circumcision and orchidopexy/orchidectomy (undescended testis) and repair of hydrocele.
Mr Girish did initial specialty training in India. He then went on to the UK for further training in general and vascular surgery at respected centres including The Royal Free Hospital, and was then awarded an FRCS from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
Mr Girish is also a respected name in clinical teaching. Currently he is the surgical undergraduate lead at University College London and honorary associate professor at the School of Medicine at St. George's University in Grenada in the West Indies. He also teaches clinical skills and assesses vascular trainees and KSS deaneries at Imperial College London's skills laboratory and training centre, and is an instructor for an ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) course for the Royal College of Surgeons.
Mr Girish's research has been published in various peer-reviewed journals and he's a member of various professional organisations. These include the General Medical Council (GMC), the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland and the International Association of Diabetic Foot Surgeons, alongside the European Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery and the British Society of Endovascular Therapy.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6064930
- Английский
- Kannada
Mr Girish Girish
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Sumohan Chatterjee is a top consultant breast oncologist based in Wilmslow and Cheadle.... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Грудные комочки
- Онкопластическая и реконструктивная хирургия
- Универсальная клиника молочной железы
- Боль в груди
- Соска разряда
- Рак молочной железы
- Грудные комочки
- Онкопластическая и реконструктивная хирургия
- Универсальная клиника молочной железы
- Боль в груди
- Соска разряда
- Рак молочной железы
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Sumohan Chatterjee is a top consultant breast oncologist based in Wilmslow and Cheadle. He specialises in oncoplastic/reconstructive breast surgery and breast augmentation. He ... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 35 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Breast Oncologist, HCA The Wilmslow Hospital, Wilmslow (present)Consultant Breast Onc... подробнее
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Mr Sumohan Chatterjee
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Mr Sumohan Chatterjee
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Top Doctors
Mr Sumohan Chatterjee
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Sumohan Chatterjee is a top consultant breast oncologist based in Wilmslow and Cheadle. He specialises in oncoplastic/reconstructive breast surgery and breast augmentation. He also treats a wide range of problems affecting the breasts including breast lumps, cysts, pain and cancer.
In 1992, Mr Chatterjee qualified from the University of Calcutta, India. He then travelled to the UK to complete his basic surgical training in the Yorkshire region. After completing his FRCS, he became a research fellow at the Academic Surgical Unit in Hull and published several papers on MRI breast and sentinel node biopsy.
In addition, he completed higher surgical training in the North West deanery in where he worked on the breast ward at Nightingale Centre and Christie's Hospital, until 2004. He then became a national oncoplastic fellow at Sheffield Breast Unit.
In addition to his consultant roles, he is an enthusiastic educator. He is currently an Honorary Senior Lecturer of the University of Manchester and Edge Hill University. He has both taught and produced courses on implant based breast reconstruction. He has also lectured in many locations around the world including Singapore and Bangladesh. In the past he has been a foundation tutor and is now the lead for postgraduate trainees and principle investigator in national cancer trials in his breast unit.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4396514
- Английский
Mr Sumohan Chatterjee
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Ashok Ram is an experienced consultant paediatric and neonatal surgeon who practises at... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- неонатальная хирургия
- Хирургическое лечение паховой грыжи
- Врожденные деформации
- грыжа
- Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь
- Боли в животе у детей
- неонатальная хирургия
- Хирургическое лечение паховой грыжи
- Врожденные деформации
- грыжа
- Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь
- Боли в животе у детей
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Ashok Ram is an experienced consultant paediatric and neonatal surgeon who practises at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. He trained in major paediatric surgical centres across the UK and obtained his C... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 25 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Paediatric and Neonatal Surgeon, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (present) подробнее
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Mr Ashok Ram
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Mr Ashok Ram
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Mr Ashok Ram
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Ashok Ram is an experienced consultant paediatric and neonatal surgeon who practises at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. He trained in major paediatric surgical centres across the UK and obtained his CCT in paediatric surgery after which he joined the Paediatric Surgical Department in Norwich.
His practice is the general surgery of childhood and he sub-specialises in neonatal surgery, thoracic surgery and upper gastrointestinal surgery. He is also a staunch educationist and holds the positions of honorary associate professor at the Norwich Medical School of the University of East Anglia, regional training director, director of advanced paediatric life support, faculty for the European paediatric advanced life support courses and surgical skills courses (basic surgical skills, laparoscopic skills, pre-hospital and emergency resuscitative thoracotomy, specialty skills for emergency and trauma) from the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
He is an executive member of the Education Committee of the European Society of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons. He conceptualised, founded, directs, and teaches on the SPRINT (International Paediatric Surgical Training Programme), a virtual forum which holds seminars and postgraduate exam preparation sessions attended by paediatric surgeons and trainees worldwide. He has presented his work at numerous national and international meetings and conferences and authored multiple chapters in various paediatric surgical textbooks and journals.
He received the Gold Medal from the European Board of Paediatric Surgery as a candidate to which he has now joined as an Examiner. He has also won multiple awards nominated by patients and students alike.
Many paediatric and neonatal surgical conditions are best seen and managed in the NHS setting where he is a full-time consultant. The following are some of the conditions that may be suitable for consultation and management in his private clinic and settings: abdominal conditions, abdominal pain, acid reflux, chest deformities (pectus carinatum and excavatum), congenital malformations, constipation, gastrointestinal conditions, groin conditions, head lesions, hydrocele, inguinal hernia, laparoscopy, nail diseases, neck lesions and swellings, neonatal surgery, perianal conditions, phimosis and circumcision, thoracic conditions, tongue tie, umbilical hernia, undescended testicle, and upper GI endoscopy.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 5207428
- бирманский
- Английский
Mr Ashok Ram
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Dean Rhobaye is a multi-award-winning aesthetic specialist based in London who speciali... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Коррекция морщин лица филлерами
- Антивозрастные процедуры
- Жидкий лифтинг
- Ринопластика
- Стимуляторы синтеза природного коллагена
- Увеличение губ
- Коррекция морщин лица филлерами
- Антивозрастные процедуры
- Жидкий лифтинг
- Ринопластика
- Стимуляторы синтеза природного коллагена
- Увеличение губ
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Dean Rhobaye is a multi-award-winning aesthetic specialist based in London who specialises in advanced aesthetics, cosmetic dermatology, and skin health. With an additional 13-year background in p... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 20 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Medical Director, Sloane Clinic (present)Group Medical Director (UK & Australia), Éla... подробнее
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Dr Dean Rhobaye
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Dr Dean Rhobaye
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Dr Dean Rhobaye
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Dean Rhobaye is a multi-award-winning aesthetic specialist based in London who specialises in advanced aesthetics, cosmetic dermatology, and skin health. With an additional 13-year background in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, Dr Rhobaye is internationally recognised for his expertise in full facial harmonisation, rejuvenation treatments and natural-looking outcomes using minimally invasive and non-surgical techniques.
Dr Rhobaye is the founding director of the acclaimed Sloane Clinic, a global medical aesthetics clinic for excellence in multimodal cosmetic procedures. Dr Rhobaye offers his patients a wide and comprehensive range of in-clinic procedures, including dermal fillers, lip fillers, Morpheus8® radiofrequency needling, non-surgical facelifts, non-surgical nose jobs and various anti-ageing treatments.
Dr Rhobaye initially trained as a surgeon, qualifying from University College London. He became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England only three years after completing his basic surgical training before going on to accomplish eight years of higher plastic surgical training with rotations in aesthetic and trauma surgery as well. His in-depth knowledge on face and body anatomy and reconstruction, including surgical facial surgery, eventually led to the award of two prestigious senior fellowships in oncoplastic and microvascular surgery.
In 2017, Dr Rhobaye took up a post as a reconstructive surgeon at the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust. Driven by his interest in facial aesthetics, Dr Rhobaye had simultaneously began training while he was a reconstructive surgeon on the use of fillers for soft tissue augmentation. This was first for acquired facial lipoatrophy and then for cosmetic rejuvenation. Dr Rhobaye has since developed detailed techniques for volumetric face restoration, contouring, and soft tissue remodelling, becoming a leading authority in the field.
Dr Rhobaye is also a prominent figure in clinical research, and has a BSc in Basic Sciences with Pharmacology from King’s College London and a PhD in Cellular Biology and Molecular Oncology from the renowned Cancer Research Institute. He is an invited key opinion leader for international pharmaceutical companies, and as a notable expert, is also the recipient of two distinguished Aesthetic & Anti-Ageing Medicine World Congress awards. Further to his own highly-established aesthetics practice, Dr Rhobaye is the group medical director for the UK and Australia at the Élan Laser Clinics group.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6092830
- Английский
Dr Dean Rhobaye
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Juling Ong is a consultant craniofacial, cosmetic, and paediatric plastic surgeon&... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Краниостеноз
- Реконструкция лица
- Лифтинг лица
- Родинки
- Детская пластическая хирургия
- ринопластика
- операция по феминизации лица
- Краниостеноз
- Реконструкция лица
- Лифтинг лица
- Родинки
- Детская пластическая хирургия
- ринопластика
- операция по феминизации лица
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Juling Ong is a consultant craniofacial, cosmetic, and paediatric plastic surgeon in London, who specialises in craniofacial deformities, vascular malformations, подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 30 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Craniofacial and Paediatric Plastic Surgeon, The Consulting Suite, Portland Hospital, Lon... подробнее
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Mr Juling Ong
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Mr Juling Ong
Great Ormond St, Holborn
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Mr Juling Ong
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Juling Ong is a consultant craniofacial, cosmetic, and paediatric plastic surgeon in London, who specialises in craniofacial deformities, vascular malformations, birthmarks, head and neck cancer and paediatric plastic surgery. He also offers a full range of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures for adults, including the face, breasts and body.
Mr Ong trained in plastic surgery in London and received his FRCS(Plastics) in 2012. In 2013 he was awarded the Ellison-Cliffe Travelling Fellowship by the Royal Society of Medicine and undertook a year-long American Council of Graduate Medical Education accredited fellowship. He obtained a diploma from the University of Texas in craniofacial, cleft and paediatric plastic surgery in 2014.
He is a member numerous professional organisations such as, the British Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, the Cleft and Craniofacial Society of Great Britain and Ireland and the International Society for Craniofacial Surgery.
Aside from his professional endeavours, Mr Ong is passionate about humanitarian work, and regularly travels internationally to fulfill such responsibilities. His efforts in this field have been recognised in national and international news publications.
Mr Ong accepts international patients travelling to the UK for healthcare.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4315490
- Английский
Mr Juling Ong
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Sarah Crawford is an experienced chartered counselling psychologist based in Londo... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Тревожное состояние
- Пограничное расстройство личности
- Диалектическая поведенческая терапия (ДБТ)
- Когнитивно-поведенческая психотерапия
- Стресс
- Тревожное состояние
- Пограничное расстройство личности
- Диалектическая поведенческая терапия (ДБТ)
- Когнитивно-поведенческая психотерапия
- Стресс
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Sarah Crawford is an experienced chartered counselling psychologist based in London. Treating a wide range of psychological disorders from stress and anxiet... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 10 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Chartered Counselling Psychologist, Private Practice (2016 – present)Lead Psychologist, FF... подробнее
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Dr Sarah Crawford
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Dr Sarah Crawford
Audley House, 4 Devonshire Street
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The Alma Practice, 10-12 Exhibition Rd, Kensington
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Dr Sarah Crawford
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Sarah Crawford is an experienced chartered counselling psychologist based in London. Treating a wide range of psychological disorders from stress and anxiety to borderline personality disorder, she uses techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) to provide her patients with the best help they can get.
Dr Crawford graduated with Honours from the University of Glasgow with a BSc in Psychology. She holds certificates in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Counselling Psychology and earned a Masters Degree (MSc) in Occupational and Organisational Psychology from London Metropolitan University. She went on to complete a Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology (DPsych) from City University.
With over 10 years' experience working in mental health, Dr Crawford provides both long-term and short-term therapy and both primary and secondary care. She specialises in complex cases, working with both adults and children who suffer from various mental health problems. While most of her cases involve one-on-one therapy, she sometimes sees families or couples, and also facilitates group therapy. In addition to her private practice, Dr Crawford is also Lead Psychologist for FFCI.
HCPC: PYL33017
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- Английский
Dr Sarah Crawford
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Ramesh de Silva is a leading consultation cardiologist based in Bedford, who speci... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- боль в груди
- Сердечная недостаточность
- Учащенное или сильное сердцебиение
- Ишемическая болезнь сердца
- Инвазивная коронарография и кардиология
- Тест с физической нагрузкой
- боль в груди
- Сердечная недостаточность
- Учащенное или сильное сердцебиение
- Ишемическая болезнь сердца
- Инвазивная коронарография и кардиология
- Тест с физической нагрузкой
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Ramesh de Silva is a leading consultation cardiologist based in Bedford, who specialises in chest pain, heart failure and подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 30 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant cardiologist, The Manor Hospital - part of Circle Health GroupConsultant cardiologist... подробнее
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Dr Ramesh de Silva
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Dr Ramesh de Silva
Church End, Biddenham, Bedford
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Bridges Clinic, Bedford Hospital, Britannia Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire
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Top Doctors
Dr Ramesh de Silva
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Ramesh de Silva is a leading consultation cardiologist based in Bedford, who specialises in chest pain, heart failure and palpitations, alongside coronary heart disease, coronary angiography and stress tests. He privately practises at The Manor Hospital - part of Circle Health Group, The Bridge Clinic and The Medic Clinic Bedford, while Dr de Silva's NHS base is NHS Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr de Silva graduated in 1995 from the University of Leeds. Following training in general medicine and cardiology in Yorkshire, he commenced a period of research in cardiac imaging and heart failure and was awarded a Doctorate of Medicine. His speciality training in Cardiology was completed at Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, the Essex Cardiothoracic Centre and Glenfield Hospital, Leicester. He further trained in coronary intervention and coronary CT angiography at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, USA.
In 2010, Dr de Silva was appointed as a consultant cardiologist with a speciality interest in interventional cardiology at Bedford Hospital. He has been instrumental in developing a successful service delivering angioplasty and stenting, and he continues to be involved in expanding the service following the merger of Bedford Hospital with Luton & Dunstable Hospital. Until 2018, he was also part of the team at Papworth Hospital treating emergency patients with acute heart attack symptoms.
Dr de Silva has a strong interest in interventional cardiology research, with numerous articles published in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at national and international cardiology conferences. His expertise includes percutaneous coronary interventional procedures, such as coronary angioplasty with stenting, and the use of intra-coronary imaging techniques like intra-vascular ultrasound (IVUS) and optical coherence tomography (OCT).
Dr de Silva is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), and a member of the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society, the General Medical Council (GMC) and the British Medical Association. His commitment to patient care and advancing cardiology is evident through his extensive research and clinical achievements.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4194011
- Синхала
- Английский
Dr Ramesh de Silva
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Tadeusz Kossakowski is an esteemed ENT surgeon at Medicare. Dr Kossakowski has ove... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Обструктивное апноэ во сне
- Синусит
- Рак кожи на лице
- Рак головы и шеи
- Затрудненное глотание (дисфагия)
- Инфекции уха
- Обструктивное апноэ во сне
- Синусит
- Рак кожи на лице
- Рак головы и шеи
- Затрудненное глотание (дисфагия)
- Инфекции уха
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Tadeusz Kossakowski is an esteemed ENT surgeon at Medicare. Dr Kossakowski has over a decade of experience providing comprehensive care to patients in the United Kingdom. Since 2012, he has been workin... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 20 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Laryngologist, Medicare (present) подробнее
Оценки пациентов
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Dr Tadeusz Kossakowski
Selecciona la consulta
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Dr Tadeusz Kossakowski
Brook House, Lime Tree Court, Cardiff Gate Business Park, Mulberry Dr
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E-Consultation Medicare Reading
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Top Doctors
Dr Tadeusz Kossakowski
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Tadeusz Kossakowski is an esteemed ENT surgeon at Medicare. Dr Kossakowski has over a decade of experience providing comprehensive care to patients in the United Kingdom. Since 2012, he has been working in Carmarthen and West Wales, where he also lectures for students and resident doctors. He currently serves as the President ad interim of the Polish Doctors Association BESPolD.
Dr Kossakowski specialises in obstructive sleep disorders, nasal and sinus issues, nosebleeds, facial and neck skin leasures, voice and swallowing disorders, ear infections and aesthetics. His broad expertise makes him a valuable resource for patients with various needs.
Dr Kossakowski offers consultations in Polish, English, Italian, and Spanish, making it easier for patients from different communities to communicate in their native language.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6165354
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